Our life is a journey of peaks and valleys all adding up to a great story that we have lived. As a result of the lessons we have learned and the wisdom we have gained, older adults are in what we call the SAGE phase of their life.
A sage is a person of great knowledge and wisdom who gained this because of persevering through many experiences of life. This idea should particularly shine in the retirement years.
Like the herb Sage which starts as a seed and grows to maturity, we weather the storms of life to become deeply rooted and solid in our foundation. Your personal story and the life you have lived has uniquely prepared you to leave a legacy which can provide great flavor and nourishment to others.
Our life starts as a seed and needs nurturing throughout life. As we grow older, we have the opportunity to become a sage and develop a priceless, flavorful legacy that is a valuable gift to loved ones and future generations.